Thursday, October 21, 2010

TCU, or Creative For Life in a nutshell

Many people ask me what "Tapping the Creative Universe" is.

Basically, this is a workshop to bring out the creative in you.

Do you find yourself stuck in between careers, dreams, loves, and can’t even seem to identify the source of the gridlock in your life? Have you lost the zest for living? Do you feel trapped in routine? Do you suspect you may be mid-lifing? If you want to know what you can do to get back into ‘real living’ please read on:

TAPPING THE CREATIVE UNIVERSE (TCU), also known as Creative For Life is a workshop that will help uncover, identify and set aside the blocks that stand in the way of creativity in everyday life. By actively engaging self-defeating attitudes and instilling practices that will help the participant overcome them, the workshop hopes to awaken a new way of seeing that will bring back the inner joy and natural creative impulse each person possesses.

The workshop will partly employ the techniques every successful, working creative employs plus Jim Paredes’ practices as a successful, multi-faceted artist and personality these past 41 years. These have proven to be effective in dealing with blocked individuals, most especially those who find themselves in a creative rut.

The sessions will extensively deal with issues of creativity in everyday life through personally assigned tasks and interactive exercises that will get to the core of the creative blockage and the introduction of new disciplines and practices for everyday use to overcome them and remain unblocked.